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It’s a Home Seller’s Time to Shine

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This real estate market is red-hot!

Right now, our market is hotter than a firecracker! Every listing we take is receiving multiple offers and buyers are outbidding themselves to get into homes. The challenge that we’re facing more and more, though, is that some of these homes aren’t appraising.

To get over that hurdle, we meet with our sellers to go over all their offers. They choose their top three to five offers, and then we go back to the buyer’s agent to get proof of funds to see if they have the extra cash to make up the difference between the agreed-upon price and what the home appraised for. That’s how we’re getting our sellers every penny that they’ve worked hard for and agreed to in the contract they signed with the buyer’s.

If you’d like to learn more about how we market our seller’s homes and how we get them multiple offers, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’d love the opportunity to interview for the job of selling your property. Call me for a no obligation consultation. Talk to you soon!

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